Tutorial: Using the plugin

Using the plugin

In order to use this plugin, you must first get a copy of it. You can either download a stable release, or compile your own from the latest source files available on GitHub.

Then you can import it in your RPG Maker MV projects.


Configuring the plugin's parameters

Don't be afraid of the high number of parameters, most of them are just localisation strings which will allow you to translate the plugin in any language.

Parameter Description Default value
config Configuration file (to be saved in data/) BulletHell.json
resume Resume string (pause menu) Resume
retry Retry string (pause menu) Retry
quit Quit string (pause menu) Quit
yes Yes string (pause menu) Yes
no No string (pause menu) No
speed Speed rank string (shop and player selection) Speed
rate Rate of fire rank string (shop and player selection) Rate
power Fire power rank string (shop and player selection) Power
bombs Bombs rank string (shop and player selection) Bombs
Autobombs Autobombs rank string (shop and player selection) Autobombs
buy_player Buy players command string (shop) Players
buy_upgrade Buy upgrades command string (shop) Upgrades
init_bgm BGM played during player selection null
victory_me ME played when winning a stage Victory1
bullet Bullets' default charset $Bullets
explosion Explosions' charset $Explosions
life_bonus_first Score at which the first bonus life is awarded 30000
life_bonus_next Score at multiples of which the following bonus lives are awarded 80000
DCprice Price (in G) for a D > C upgrade 5000
CBprice Price (in G) for a C > B upgrade 10000
BAprice Price (in G) for a B > A upgrade 50000
ASprice Price (in G) for an A > S upgrade 100000

Using the plugin

The plugin provides the following commands.

Starting a stage

Start a new stage at a specified map_id:

Bullethell map_id

For example, the following will start a stage using map 3:

Bullethell 3

Start a new stage and set the retries_enabled flag:

Bullethell map_id retries_enabled

For example, the following will disable the "retry" option from the menu:

Bullethell 3 false

Start a new stage and set the quit_enabled flag:

Bullethell map_id retries_enabled quit_enabled

For example, the following will keep the "retry" option on the menu, but will disable the "quit" option:

Bullethell 3 true false

Opening the shop

Bullethell shop

Unlocking a player

Bullethell unlock player_id

For example, if you want to unlock the second player (remember arrays start at 0!):

Bullethell unlock 1

An unlocked player can be used on stages.

Locking a player

Bullethell lock player_id

A locked player can no longer be used on stages (but if it can be bought it will appear at the shop).

Enabling a player's purchase

Bullethell canbuy player_id

A purchasable player appears on sale at the shop (as long as it's not already unlocked).

Disabling a player's purchase

Bullethell cannotbuy player_id

A player which no longer appears on sale can still be used (if it's unlocked) on stage.

Global variables

Normally access to the engine's code is restricted (if you intend to extend it, read Advanced Topics), but there are two global variables you can access.


At the end of each stage, this variable will hold the stage results, you can inspect it to check wheter the player has won or abandoned the stage, their score, etc.

See Game Mechanics for more details.


Each player's state is stored in this array, so that every upgrade is saved on save files. You can modify this array if you want to give a player some free upgrades/downgrades or a price discount, but otherwise you shouldn't really tamper with it.

For example, if you want to change the fourth player's price you could call a script with:

$gamePlayer.bhellPlayers[3].price = 42000;

...or if you want to set the second player's bomb rank to "A", you could use:

$gamePlayer.bhellPlayers[1].bombs = "A";