
Type Definitions


Stores the stage's results.

  • Object
Name Type Description
won boolean

True if the player has won.

gaveUp boolean

True if the player gave up.

retries number

Number of retries for the current stage.

score number

Final score (reset at each retry).

hitRatio number

% of bullets hitting a target (reset at each retry).

enemiesKilled number

Number of enemies killed (reset at each retry).

enemiesMissed number

Number of enemies escaped (reset at each retry).

enemiesCrashed number

Number of enemies crashed against the player (reset at each retry).

livesLost number

Number of lives lost (cumulated for all retries).

bombsUsed number

Number of bombs used (cumulated for all retries).



Stores the players' settings in $gamePlayer (which is persistently serialised in save files).

Note: ranks are stored as letters: D (worst), C, B, A and S (best).

  • Array
Name Type Description
index number

The player index in the JSON file.

unlocked boolean

True if the player can be used.

canBeBought boolean

True if the player can be bought at the shop.

price number

Shop price for the player.

speed string

Current speed rank (how fast the player can move).

rate string

Current rate of fire rank (how fast bullets are shot).

power string

Current power rank (how strong the emitters are).

bombs string

Current bomb rank (how many bombs can be stored).



Stores the controller's speed multiplier setting in $gameSystem (which is persistently serialised in save files). When moving the player using a controller, the actual speed will be scaled by this value.

  • Number


Stores the controller's deadzone setting in $gameSystem (which is persistently serialised in save files).

Note: this value is not used outside the Bullet Hell engine and therefore does not interfere with the normal Input class' (rpg_core.js) behaviour.

  • Number