Tutorial: Configuring the enemies

Configuring the enemies

General configuration

The JSON configuration file contains an array of enemies which needs to be filled in before you can create a stage.

"enemies": [
        "name": (enemy name),
          "class": (enemy class),
          "params": {

Each entry of the array has three fields:

  • name: the name which will be used in the map editor to create a generator (see Game Mechanics) for this enemy,
  • class: the class associated with this enemy entry,
  • params: the default value for the enemy parameters.

Every enemy shares the following parameters (defined in BHell.BHell_Enemy_Base):

  • hp: hit points,
  • speed: moving speed (in pixels per frame),
  • period: shooting period (see Configuring the emitters),
  • hitbox_w: width of the hitbox,
  • hitbox_h: height of the hitbox,
  • angle: shooting angle (ignored if aim or rnd are true),
  • aim: if true, the enemy will aim at the player,
  • always_aim: if true, the enemy will constantly adjust the aim,
  • aim_x: the enemy will shift the aim horizontally by aim_x pixels from the player,
  • aim_y: the enemy will shift the aim vertically by aim_y pixels from the player,
  • rnd: if true, the shooting angle will be random,
  • score: score awarded on each successful shot,
  • kill_score: score awarded on kill,
  • boss: if true displays a boss bar on stage,
  • bullet: bullet parameters (see Configuring the bullets).

Every class sets a default value for each of these parameters, so the JSON can contain only the values you actually want to cutomise.

Parameter Default value
hp 1
speed 3
period 60
hitbox_w (sprite width)
hitbox_h (sprite height)
angle PI / 2
aim false
always_aim false
aim_x 0
aim_y 0
rnd false
score 10
kill_score 100
boss false

Other than BHell.BHell_Enemy_Base, there are other abstract classes which set some additional parameters for their derived classes.


This class adds parameters related to the spline movement (see Using the spline generator).

Parameter Default value
A (x, y - sprite height)
B (x, y - sprite height)
C (x, screen height + sprite height)
D (x, screen height + sprite height)


This class inherits parameters from BHell.BHell_Enemy_Spline and adds parameters related to the shooting behaviour:

  • cooldown: number of frames the enemy won't be able to shoot,
  • shooting: number of frames the enemy will shoot,
  • stop_on_shooting: if true, during the shooting phase the enemy will stop moving.
Parameter Default value
cooldown 60
shooting 60
stop_on_shooting false

Predefined enemies

These are the nine predefined enemy types, if you are interested in creating more of them, see Creating new enemies, if you want to create a boss see Creating a boss.

Small fry

Small fries move along a fixed path and shoot once in a while.


Additional parameters

Smallfries inherit their parameters from BHell.BHell_Enemy_Spline.


Although weak and predictable (both in shooting and moving patterns), small fries tend to appear in groups. Should they overwhelm you, it could be wise to let them escape or obliterate all of them at once with a bomb.


Suicide enemies move towards the player until they crash.


Additional parameters



Suicide enemies are not capable of shooting and usually have very little health, however they tend to follow you and catch up very quickly. When there are many of them, your best bet is to maneuver them into your firing range while keeping your distance. If everything else fails, a bomb might come in handy.


Orbiters approach the player and then orbit around it, shooting once in a while aiming at the player.


Additional parameters
Parameter Effect Default value
radius Orbiter distance from the player (in pixel) 250

Orbiters never give up. Once they start orbiting around you, there is no other way out but killing them. Try to synchronise your shooting with their position. If you are equipped with a bomb which doesn't follow the player, try to force orbiters to run straight into the bomb's position.


Probes move quickly in a random direction, stop and then shoot.


Additional parameters
Parameter Effect Default value
shooting number of frames of the shooting phase 120

Probes are absolutely unpredictable. They move very fast and there is no way to know where they want to go, but they need to stop before shooting you: that's your chance to get rid of them for good. When they are moving, try to stay as far away as possible, so you can dodge them, should they decide to move in your general direction.


Blockers try to block the player and slowly advance towards the bottom of the screen, shooting downwards.


Additional parameters
Parameter Effect Default value
vspeed Vertical moving speed 0.2

If their speed matches yours, you have no choice but to destroy blockers before they trap you at the bottom of the screen, resulting in certain death. You should ignore other enemies on screen and focus on blockers. On occasions (or if your speed rank is insanely high), you might be able to actually dodge a blocker: since it only shoots downwards, you can safely ignore it until it leaves the screen.


Gunners move along a fixed path and shoot a streak of bullets.


Additional parameters

Gunners inherit their parameters from BHell.BHell_Enemy_Gunner_Base.


You'll encounter many gunners along your path and they can be categorised in three groups: those which shoot at a fixed angle, those which shoot randomly and those which aim at you. Despite this variance in behaviour, they all need to stop shooting once in a while to reload and that's your chance to get them!


Bursters move along a fixed path and shoot a burst of densely packed bullets.


Additional parameters

Bursters inherit their parameters from BHell.BHell_Enemy_Gunner_Base and define the following:

Parameter Effect Default value
shots number of bullets to be fired at once 30
dispersion radius of the dispersion circle 50

Bursters are just like gunners with shotguns, treat them as such.


Sprayers move along a fixed path and shoot an arc of bullets.


Additional parameters

Sprayers inherit their parameters from BHell.BHell_Enemy_Gunner_Base and define the following:

Parameter Effect Default value
a initial angle for the arc PI / 2 - PI / 16
b final angle for the arc PI / 2 + PI / 16
n number of bullets to be fired 10

Sprayers' shots can be dangerously wide and you might not have enough space to dodge them. If you are with your back on the wall remember you can rely on your bombs.


Starshooters move along a fixed path and shoot many streaks of bullets radially.


Additional parameters

Starshooters inherit their parameters from BHell.BHell_Enemy_Gunner_Base and define the following:

Parameter Effect Default value
n number of streaks to shoot 5

These guys are gunners with a thing for shooting in many directions at once. Remember that they eventually need to stop shooting, until that time try to stay between two of their streaks.


Swirlers move along a fixed path and shoot many streaks of bullets slowly rotating.


Additional parameters

Swirlers inherit their parameters from BHell.BHell_Enemy_Starshooter and define the following:

Parameter Effect Default value
rotation rotation speed (in radians per frame) of the streaks 0.01

Swirlers are starshooters with a fetish for vortexes, you need to keep yourself between two streaks and rotate along with them until they drop their guards to reload.